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Empowering Teachers and Students

Community First Conversation Series

Participate CLO Julie Keane talked with Katie McMillan Culp, CLO at the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) about how NYSCI empowers teachers and students in STEM through innovative strategies like computational thinking, vibrant communities of practice, and AI integration.

The live conversation took place Monday, May 20, 12:30-1:00 p.m. ET. DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT
This 30-minute conversation covers:
  • The cutting-edge strategies Dr. Culp has developed and implemented at NYSCI to support deep and sustained science learning.
  • Insights on fostering communities of practice that empower educators and enhance student engagement in STEM.
  • How NYSCI's initiatives under her leadership are shaping the future of educational technology and collaborative learning. 
Katie McMillan Culp, PhD, New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) "Researchers here at NYSCI, researchers at another organization (Education Development Center) and Participate are all working together with teachers at several local elementary schools to use an online community of practice to build their capacity to integrate computational thinking integrated into their teaching." Learn more