1. Knowledge Base
  2. Discussions
  3. Participate in a Discussion

Create and Participate in Discussions

Discussions can be created within many objects - communities, courses, badges, events, etc. and are found along the right side of the platform. 

Enable Discussions on Things

We've added more flexibility to manage discussions on Participate. You can now decide whether or not to allow discussions for each badge, doc, or event. This feature provides more flexibility to tailor engagement around content based on its specific purpose

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Easily toggle discussions on or off within each thing's settings, giving you control over when conversations are appropriate or needed.

To start a new discussion:

Click the button at the right "Start a discussion".

Begin typing your comment in the text box that appears. 

Using the Sidebar Menu

Opening the Sidebar

Click on the Discussion (Speech bubble), Table of Contents (Outline), or Announcement (Megaphone) icon, as shown below, to open the sidebar.

Adjusting the size of the Sidebar

To increase the width of the area in the sidebar, click and drag the left side. Release when it is at your desired width.


Closing the Sidebar

To close the sidebar, you have three options:

  • click the X in the upper-right corner of the panel

  • click anywhere on the grayed out part of the screen

  • press the Esc key

To comment or reply to a discussion

Type your comment in the text box. You can format and add emojis or files to your comment. Click >Send or Hit enter/return to send your message. 

If you'd like to respond to a particular comment (instead of the discussion thread, select the three dots on the right of the comment you are replying to. Your comment will appear with the original message above.

To mention another user in a discussion:

Type your comment in the text box. Use the @ symbol and begin typing a user's name. Click the name to select it and then return or enter. 


The user you have mentioned will receive a notification in the bell icon located at the top right.


Clicking on the View button will take them directly to the discussion where you have mentioned them.



Once a notification has been read, you can click on the bell and then inside the box that pops up to return to All, Unread, and Read notifications.


To share a discussion comment:

Using the same 3 dot menu, copy the link to the discussion to share. 

On Mobile

To access discussions on Mobile, click on the chat bubble icon at the bottom of your screen. Type your response in the box and press send. (this is also where you will find the Table of Contents menu).

Return to Recent Discussions

On your dashboard you will be able to see discussions you've commented on with recent activity. Click on the Discussion title to navagate quickly over to view the new comments. 

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