Explore your Dashboard and Profile

Learn how to manage content on your Dashboard and edit your public Profile page.

To navigate to your profile click on your avatar icon at the upper right. Your Profile is a public facing view that all members can see. Your Dashboard is where you can manage all of the content and badges you create!

Set Up Your Public Profile

To navigate to your public profile, click on your avatar in the upper right and choose Profile. 

This is the view other users will see when coming to your profile. Any content you have published to your profile will display here along with earned badges. 

To Edit Your Profile

Click on the 3 dots and select Edit Profile from the drop-down menu.

You can edit your name and username here. Usernames must be unique. You can also add an optional tagline, bio and Linkedin or Twitter profile urls. These will be displayed on your public profile. Don't forget to click "Update."

Manage Earned Badges:

You may want to display your earned badges on your public profile as well. From your profile, use the 3 dot menu to  Manage Earned Badges.

Use the checkboxes to select which badges you would like to display on your public profile.

Click on the 3 dots to navigate back to your public profile.

 This is what visitors to your profile will see. 

You can also Create resources to publish and share on your profile!

Dashboard & Content 

From your avatar, select Dashboard to manage all of the content you have created, badges requested and recently viewed! 

There are 3 Tabs along the left: Dashboard, Content and Badge Reviews


This area helps you navigate to recently viewed pages, Private Spaces you are a member of, Events you've registered for, Badges you've requested to earn/are working on, and discussions with recent activity you may want to check back in on. Navigate back to any item by clicking on it. 



Click on the Content tab to see all of the content you own or can edit. You can sort content by type using the buttons along the top and/or by Owner and Oldest/Newest by using the drop down. 

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From this location, you can click on the title of any Thing to View it, as well as Edit and Publish it. If you need to change where a piece of content is published or unpublish it, you can do this from the Publish button! 

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Badge Reviews

If you have created badges or you are a manager awarding badges, you will find any pending badge requests on the “Badge Reviews” tab. Here you can click to View Documentation from the user and Award the badge if you'd like. 

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