Learn how to review submissions and award badges.
Review user documentation and Manually Award a badge
If you have created and published badges on your individual profile OR are a manager looking to award badges in your community, follow these steps:
Navigate to your Dashboard by clicking on your Avatar in the upper right. From the left-hand sidebar, click on "Badge Reviews."
You will see all of the users who have requested to earn a badge.
You can filter to see All, Submitted, or Awarded badge requests. You will have access to review all badges you own or are owned by a community where you are a manager.
To begin reviewing a badge:
First, click "View Documentation" to read through the evidence provided by the user. You can start a discussion on the evidence page to communicate with the user or view a discussion they have started. When you are ready to award the badge click "Award". This action cannot be undone. You can return to your Badge Reviews page by clicking Reviews, and you will now find this badge submission under 'Awarded'.
You can also award badges from the Badge Review listing page.
Manually Award a badge without user documentation
Badge creators or managers can also award badges without requiring a user to submit evidence or without reviewing their evidence. This is helpful for awarding many users a badge at the same time!
First navigate to your dashboard "Content" tab. Filter by badges. You will now see all badges owned by yourself or your communities (you can further filter by owner)
Click 'Award'
You can select one or more users who will be awarded the badge. Use the Red X if you need to remove a user before awarding.
Finally, click Award!
Automatically Award a Badge
If a badge has been created to automatically award, when a user completes the required action(s) the badge will be awarded. No action is needed after the badge is created.